Track: Semantic Web
Paper Title:
P-TAG: Large Scale Automatic Generation of Personalized Annotation TAGs for the Web
The success of the Semantic Web depends on the availability of Web pages annotated with metadata. Free form metadata or tags, as used in social bookmarking and folksonomies based systems, have become more and more popular and successful. Such tags are relevant keywords associated with or assigned to a piece of information (e.g., a Web page), thus describing the item and enabling keyword-based classification. In this paper we propose P-TAG, a method which automatically generates personalized tags for Web pages. Keywords are generated based on the content of the Web page but also based on the content of the user's Desktop, thus expressing a personalized viewpoint very relevant for personal tags. We implemented and tested several algorithms for this approach and evaluated the relevance of the resulting keywords. These evaluations showed very promising results and we are therefore very confident that such a user oriented automatic tagging approach can provide large scale personalized metadata annotation as an important step towards realizing the Semantic Web