Track: Social Networks
Paper Title:
Finding Community Structure in Mega-scale Social Networks
Community analysis algorithm proposed by Clauset, Newman, and Moore (CNM algorit
hm) finds community structure in social networks. Unfortunately, CNM algorithm
does not scale well and its use is practically limited to networks whose sizes a
re up to 500,000 nodes. We show that this inefficiency is caused from merging c
ommunities in unbalanced manner and that a simple heuristics that attempts to me
rge community structures in a balanced manner can dramatically improve community
structure analysis. The proposed techniques are tested using data sets obtaine
d from existing social networking service that hosts 5.5 million users. We have
tested three three variations of the heuristics. The fastest method processes
a SNS friendship network with 1 million users in 5 minutes (70 times faster than
CNM) and another friendship network with 4 million users in 35 minutes, respect
ively. Another one processes a network with 500,000 nodes in 50 minutes (7 time
s faster than CNM), finds community structures that has improved modularity, and
scales to a network with 5.5 million.