This page provides some logistical details about the WWW2007 conference, including registration desk, sponsor exhibits, shipping, Internet, and on-site printing and copying.
The WWW2007 conference organizers have arranged shuttle bus service that will get conference attendees from the overflow hotels to the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel each morning.
Here is the current schedule:
Please be on time, since only one run is made each morning. Travel time to the Banff Springs Hotel will vary with the morning traffic due to the construction on Banff Avenue.
The sponsor exhibition hall for WWW2007 will be housed in Van Horne C (the back portion of the Van Horne Ballroom). The exhibition will run for three days: Wednesday (10:00am to 8:00pm), Thursday (10:00am to 5:00pm), and Friday (10:00am to 5:00pm). Exhibitors can set up their booths during the day on Tuesday May 7. Booth teardown will take place on Friday May 11 at 6:00pm.
All booth configuration details should be arranged with GES Canada well in advance of the conference. Contact information is contained in the Exhibitor Manual provided to the WWW2007 sponsors by the conference PCO.
Each booth will be provided with electrical power and one (shared DSL) wired Internet connection, compliments of WWW2007.
Any exhibitors requiring brokerage services for customs processing can contact Events on the Move Enterprises in Vancouver. Instructions and and order form are available here.
For those who need their daily email, a small Internet Cafe will be set up on the first floor of the Conference Centre (CC1) near the lobby of the Theatre.
For WWW2007 attendees staying at the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel, the wired Internet service in your hotel room is complimentary during your stay. If the hotel tries to charge you for this, please let the conference organizers know.
Here are maps of the meeting space areas in both the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel (Mezzanine 1 and Mezzanine 2) as well as in the adjoining Conference Center (Level 1 and Level 2). These maps are included in the printed WWW2007 program guide that you will receive at the registration desk. For those that like PowerPoint, here is a day-by-day animation of the WWW2007 conference.
On-Site Printing, Copying, and Shipping
WWW2007 is pleased to have
The UPS Store
as an on-site partner for all your
shipping needs.
Look for their stand in the Van Horne Foyer near the WWW2007 registration desk.
There will be multiple registration desks at WWW2007 to accommodate the needs of the main conference as well as the related pre-conference events. Please read the following information carefully to find the details relevant to you.
For those attending the W3C AC meeting, the check-in desk will be outside the Cascade Ballroom on Mezzanine 2 in the conference hotel (HM2). The registration desk will open at noon on Sunday May 6, just prior to the orientation session for new W3C AC members. The W3C AC reception (members only) takes place on Sunday evening in Mount Stephen Hall. The AC meeting itself takes place on Monday and Tuesday in the Cascade Ballroom.
For those attending the two-day Web Accessibility (W4A) Conference, the check-in desk will be outside the New Brunswick room on Mezzanine 2 in the conference hotel (HM2). The registration desk will open at 7:30am on Monday May 7. Sessions take place in the New Brunswick room on Monday and Tuesday. The W4A banquet takes place on Monday May 7 (6:00pm to 8:00pm). This event will be held off-site at the Grizzly House restaurant in downtown Banff.
For those attending the one-day Web design tutorial put on by the World Organization of Webmasters (WOW), the check-in desk will be outside the Alberta room on Mezzanine 2 in the conference hotel (HM2). The registration desk will open at 7:30am on Monday May 7.
For the WWW2007 conference, the registration desk is in the Van Horne Foyer on Level 2 in the Conference Center (CC2). Separate check-in lines are available for pre-registered delegates, on-site registrations, and exhibitors.
WWW2007 sessions take place Tuesday through Saturday (inclusive). Note that your WWW2007 registration materials are separate from those you receive at any of the pre-conference events that you might attend, so yes, you may need to check in twice (once at hotel HM2, and once at conference centre CC2).
The following is the tentative schedule for the WWW2007 registration desk in the Van Horne Foyer in the Conference Center (CC2):
This schedule is subject to change in the week prior to the conference.
The Web History Exhibit will be on display most of the week in the Ivor Petrak Room (HM2). The exhibit will feature physical collectibles from the early days of the Web, with a special emphasis on electronic commerce. Several computers will be available for testing different Web browsers and viewing archived versions of early Web sites.
In addition to the history of the Web itself, the Web History Exhibit will also cover the history of the IW3C2 and the WWW conference series.
Contributions to the Web History Exhibit are encouraged. Please contact Marc Weber or Bill Picket at the Web History Center.
WWW2007 has contracted with
to provide Wireless Internet service
throughout all meeting areas during the week
of the conference.
The SSID for the WWW2007 wireless network will be WWW2007. This network is provided for the use of conference delegates only.
Technical support for the network is provided by MyCanopy, with cooperation from Motorola, EnMax, Axia, the Alberta SuperNet, the University of Calgary, and the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel.