In partnership with WWW2007, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) provides a separate technical track at the conference to update the WWW community on W3C's latest initiatives and activities. WWW2007 attendees can expect substantive reports on the variety of technologies that bring the Web to its full potential, as well as insights on future developments. In addition, attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions to the W3C Members and staff.
The W3C Track runs from Wednesday, May 9 to Friday, May 11 at the WWW2007 conference. All W3C Track sessions take place in the Cascade Ballroom, which is on Mezzanine 2 in the conference hotel.
The following represents the W3C Track content as of April 13, 2007. Please check the official W3C Track schedule for the latest program updates.
Session Chair: Michael Smith (W3C)
The goal of the Mobile Web Initiative (MWI) is to bring the Web to the networked devices that will shape the nature of distributed communications in this century (hint: those devices are not personal computers). At this session, you'll learn about the MWI's successes thus far and about its roadmap for future work.
Session Chair: Chris Lilley (W3C)
The Rich Web Applications work at W3C is so named because it brings together compound documents, the XML ecosystem and essential Web 2.0 APIs for both mobile and desktop. The talks in this session show how this work enables more interactive, richer, and more accessible Web applications.
Session Chair: Olivier Thereaux (W3C)
Technological progress of the past 15 years has helped the World Wide Web get closer to its original vision of a rich information space based on hyperlinking: a Web of data for humans and machines, enabling powerful applications and services. What about the Web Page? It is still the basic model of most of the Web today? Will these advances obsolete it, enrich it, or mutate it? This session gathers experts from various fields and technologies to reflect on and discuss its future.
Session Chair: Ivan Herman (W3C)
This session shows three different aspects of the Semantic Web activity at W3C. The RIF presentation gives an overview of one of the developments for the ground Semantic Web infrastructure. The GRDDL and RDFa talk concentrates on technologies whose primary goal is to outreach to other technologies and communities. Finally, an example will show how a large user community uses this technology to solve its own research and development problems.
Session Chair: Thomas Roessler (W3C)
Security on the Web extends beyond technology: often, users' decisions are what matters. The session will explore what technology can (or can't!) do to support users making these decisions, how to design security interfaces, and what all that means for standardization.
Session Chair: Philippe Le Hegaret (W3C)
W3C has been working on the Core part of Web Services for the past few years. This session presents 3 of the latest developments: WSDL 2.0, the Web Services Description Language for SOAP based and HTTP-only services, WS-Policy 1.5, a general purpose languages to describe the policies of Web Services, and SAWSDL 1.0 to allow the description of additional semantics of WSDL components. Each presentation will include an introduction to the specifications as well as implementation reports/demonstrations. The session will also include a report on the W3C workshop on the Web of Services for Enterprise Computing, looking at the future of Services on the Web.
Session Chair: Kazuyuki Ashimura (W3C)
Web applications can be developed using a variety of document formats, including (X)HTML, SVG, SMIL, VoiceXML, etc. The Multimodal Interaction Working Group is tackling the MMI architecture and the EMMA markup language with a great deal of energy and considering how to combine various specifications to author concrete multimodal Web applications.
Session Chair: Steven Pemberton (W3C)
If you want to combine markup from different namespaces together into a cohesive document, it is good if they all agree on core semantics such as events, submission, and data storage, thus forming a unified architecture for applications. These talks present ongoing work to define such semantics, and demonstrate them in use.
Session Chair: Liam Quin (W3C)
XML remains the representation of choice for interchanging structured information all over the planet. Hear about some of the active areas of development in XML today, and how XML is being used in Web applications, in print, in interactive content, and even in mobile phones.